About Trust

Trust is belief ! Belief is bond! !! And bond is LOVE ( devotion ). Love is the feeling of oneness with the whole existence through DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. When we are in this state of consciousness of mind, we feel to express this oneness by helping others to fulfill their needs and experience the existence of the Lord in that hours of fulfillment. This is the background from which this Charitable Trust has come into existence. Obviously the source of this loving consciousness is our holy Trio Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna deva, Swami Vivekananda and Maa Sarada, whose lives themselves were the embodiment of CHARITY and RENUNCIATION.

Ramakrishna Vivekananda Charitable Trust, Talawade Pune.
Registration no. E7083 / Pune

Our practical source of inspiration is Revered Tulsidas Maharaj (Dr.Tulsidas Ghube), who has left his flourishing professional medical practice and all the worldly honours in life only to bring this loving divine consciousness in life through the combination of all Yogas ( spiritual practices ). Kishor Maharaj (Mr. Kishor Mhaske), Chairman of this Trust and Mr. Pratap Wayal, Secretary and all other Trustee members are trying to follow his footsteps by serving needy people through divine consciousness to fulfill world teacher Swami Vivekananda's well known motto, "Shiva bhave, Jiva Seva" (Service of humanity through divine consciousness), and "Atmano Mokshartham, Jagat Hitayach" ( for the liberation of the soul and for the welfare of the world).

0f course the activities of this Charitable Trust are merely the part and parcel of our attempts to purify our body, mind and heart. This is our mental worship and offerings of Anjali made through selfless charitable services at the holy lotus feet of our beloved Prabhu Sri Ramakrishna.

Holy Mother( Maa Sarada) used to say, " As are the karmas ( actions ), so are the phalas ( fruits ), and also so are the coincidences in life." The establishment of this Trust is also a divine coincidence. The documents for registration of this Trust were filed on 12th January, 2015, the auspicious birth anniversary day ( Janmatithi day ) of Swami Vivekananda and the registration certificate was received on February 19, 2015, which was again the holy birth anniversary day ( Janmatithi day ) of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna deva. And undoubtedly this is also a purely divine coincidence that we all have come together under the universal Umbrella of all loving Ramakrishna.

Our organisation is working prominently to fulfill all kinds of educational and spiritual needs of youths and to help humanity in all kinds of natural calamities at both the National and International level with worshipful attitude to fulfill the dream of Swami Vivekananda.

Prajakta Amit Ozarkar and Shruti Milind Somalwar, Pune, the followers and ardent devotees of Holy Trio are helping their best in this childish efforts of universal worship of all-pervading REALITY manifested for all of us as Paramhamsa Ramakrishna.